Author: cathyvaneck


One loudspeaker and three microphones are placed opposite eachother. The volume is turned up, and acoustic feedback occurs between the microphones and speaker. Three performers

La Nature dans le Miroir

As a human being I try to observe nature by catching it. I make pictures of beautiful landscapes and recordings of bird sounds. But this process

Cheering for others makes you a leader

Pompons and cheers such as hurrah, yippie, yeah are the elements for this performance. With the help of sensors my gestures control the electronic processing


an interactive sound installation thin paper, fans, distance sensors, small loudspeakers and music stands. Five music stands are placed in a semi circle. Crumpled oversized

Double Beat

This performance is for a pregnant woman. During the performance, the woman inflates plastic bags with her breath. By inflating the bags, the sound of

Erster Versuch den Wind zu drehen

Soft wind sounds are diffused by two metal tubes. With the help of your breath you can change the weather: by blowing against the black

Song No. 3

Song No. 3 is a performance during which I use arm gestures normally used by singers as a byproduct of their singing performance as a


Machine noises, screaming, or alarm sounds are often perceived as disturbing. Therefore, many sounds have been forbidden at certain times and places by law during

Music Stands

What normally stays silent during a musical performance—a music stand—is creating the sound in this performance. Two music stands are unfolded at the start of

Groene Ruis

This performance takes two simple every day objects–a plant and a hair dryer–to investigate in our relationship with our “natural” environment. Looking for transitions between

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